STEP 1 - Signup in TrustRelay region

If you know which region you would like your dataspaces to be created in, (e.g. Switzerland), then navigate to the specific region signup page. e.g.

Click on the signup page.

It will then present you with a form to set your email and password

Good to know: TrustRelay only supports corporate emails. Public emails such as yahoo and gmail are not valid.

Set your email address and click the button "Send verification code"

Please check your inbox for an email with subject

TrustRelay AG | Switzerland Region account email verification code

Type the code received into the form, then set your password and confirmation and click "Create".

Good to know: In a demo environment, sometimes the account registration can take a minute or two. If you don't receive a notification in the first 2 minutes then please try to refresh the page.

After the account registration has completed you should be redirected to the regional administration dashboard

Congratulations. You have completed signup in the regional administration dashboard.

Last updated